
Fact: Valentine's Day is a stupid holiday.

Valentine's Day is a stupid holiday.  Happy Valentine's Day.  Here are some Valentines about dictators.  

Despite always being portrayed as physically imposing, Stalin was only 5'3", one inch taller than Wolverine.

source: Wikipedia and Marvel

Hilter may have lost one testicle at the Battle of the Somme, but I read that on Fox News so it might not be true at all.

source: Fox News

Mao enjoyed writing poetry and was greatly influenced by poets of the Tang dynasty.

source: Wikipedia

According to North Korean officials, Kim Jong Il scored 38 under par when playing golf for the first time.

source: World Tribune

Candy is cheap after Valentine's Day.  Someone should buy me a small mountain of chocolate on February 15th.  Here are some Valentines about English grammar.  

The ellipsis is a punctuation mark that denotes an omission from sentence or phrase.  In informal writing, it often suggests that the writer is trailing off or losing his or her train of thought.


An indirect question is a question phrased as a statement (e.g. "I wonder if giving someone one of these cool Valentines will get me laid.").

The interrobang is a non-standard punctuation mark which combines the exclamation mark and question mark both in function and in appearance.

A compound word is a noun made up of two or more words - like a word mash-up.

I think I first learned about robots from watching Transformers as a kid.  Robots are pretty great.  Here is a Valentine about robots.

On Valentine's Day this year, Ken Jennings, Brad Rutter and Watson will face off on Jeopardy.  Watson is an supercomputer designed by IBM. 

source: Forbes


  1. Where's your Mubarak card? "My reign has fallen... for you"

  2. Or "You make my abdication long and hard".
